Notice on Electronic Image Acquisition of 2021 International Graduates (For International Graduates Abroad)








成本费用20元/人。本次电子图像采集只能通过支付宝缴费,请大家访问正方教务系统校外链接(进行缴费(推荐使用Google Chrome浏览器)。校内链接暂时不支持缴费功能。具体的缴费的操作说明见附件。缴费成功后,不允许退款,请在专业学院指导下进行缴费操作。









① 人物姿态与表情:坐姿端正,表情自然,双眼自然睁开并平视,耳朵对称,左右肩膀平衡。

② 眼镜:常戴眼镜者应佩戴眼镜,但不得戴有色(含隐形、美瞳)眼镜,镜框不得遮挡眼晴,眼镜不能有反光。

③ 佩饰及遮挡物:不得使用头部覆盖物(宗教、医疗和文化需要时,不得遮挡脸部或造成阴影)。不得佩戴耳环项链等饰品。

④ 头发不要有碎发,不能遮挡眉毛、眼睛和耳朵。不宜化妆。脸部注意不要过油,不要高光高亮,嘴唇自然闭合。

⑤ 衣着:穿衬衫(最好白色有领衬衫),如果没有,穿浅色有领衣服(颜色单一不要花哨),应与背景色区分明显。不要穿蓝色、紫色、黄色、绿色、粉色的衣服,避免复杂图案、条纹。








Notice on Electronic Image Acquisition of 2021 International Graduates (For International Graduates Abroad)

Nov. 19th, 2020

To all colleges and 2021 international graduates it may concern:

This notice is for 2021 international graduates abroad.

According to the Office of Chinese Education Ministry and Office of Xinhua News Agency document (order No. 5[2002] of Teaching Office), all college graduates need to send information of electronic image and of education certificates online for social inquiry. Zhejiang branch of Xinhua News Agency will collect graduates’ electronic images on campus and offer eight 2 inch chromotypes to make graduate certificate and diploma. Since international graduatesabroad can't be back to school and take photos the graduates need to  take photos by themselves and upload electronic images on the Zhengfang educational management system. The electronic images collected will be sent to the Zhejiang Branch of Xinhua News Agency for follow-up steps. The specific items are as follows:

1.      Payment

The cost is 20 per capita. The payment can only be paid by Alipay. Currently, campus network do not support the payment function. So please log in Zhengfang educational management system with off-campus network ( ) for payment (Google Chrome browser is recommended). See specific operation steps in annex. No withdrawal is allowed after successful payment, so please operate under the guidance of teachers from major colleges.

2.      Electronic image uploading

International students are requested to prepare 2-inch blue background electronic image. Please prepare electronic images strictly in accordance with the "Matters needing attention", the photo will not be accepted if it doesn't meet the requirements. After the payment is successful, upload the electronic image in the Zhengfang educational management system. See specific upload operation steps in annex. The electronic image will be exported according to the payment list, so please pay the fee first. 

3.       Deadline for payment and electronic image upload

  November 20th 2020 - before 4pm, December 10th 2020 (Chinese standard time)

4.      If you do not pay, do not upload electronic image on time or do not upload the photo that meets requirements, you cannot register electronic academic degree information online and cannot make graduate certificates and diploma on your own account.

5.      Matters needing attention:

International students should arrange personal images according to the requirements of Xinhua News Agency, so as to avoid shooting errors. Students who have previously participated in electronic image acquisition don't need to participate again if the photos are still there.

Personal posture and expression: sitting upright, with natural expression, eyes open naturally and looking straight, symmetrical ears, balanced left and right shoulders.

For male students: Professional clothes such as monochrome clothes with a collar; Neat hairstyle; Shaved; Show eyebrows, eyes and ears; No yellow, blue, purple, green, pink and sleeveless clothes; No ornaments; No hats; No Cosmetic contact lenses or Tinted glasses.

For female students: Professional clothes such as monochrome clothes with a collar; Neat hairstyle; Show eyebrows, eyes and ears; No yellow, blue, purple, green, pink and sleeveless clothes; No ornaments; No hats; No heavy makeup; No Cosmetic contact lenses or Tinted glasses.


    The official version of this notice is in Chinese, with English translation provided for convenience. In case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the original Chinese text, the Chinese text shall prevail.


   Academic Affairs Office

 Zhejiang University of Technology

Steps on Online Payment for Electronic Image in Zhengfang Educational Management System正方教务管理系统电子图像采集缴费步骤.pdf

Steps on Online Upload for Electronic Image in Zhengfang Educational Management System正方教务管理系统电子图像上传步骤.pdf